Artist's Statement about
Inner Hemispheres
by Jan Radesky
I love words; they have nuances of meaning, just like a piece of art “speaks” to the viewer. I am inspired by the pictures that words draw for me, so I fused words from one of my favorite poems together with my imagery.
I first became aware of the poem, “We Are Many” by Pablo Neruda during a workshop for English teachers. I was taken away with the richness of the poem. After having exposed my students to the poem, I learned even more from their ideas and questions. The poem has rested in my soul for many years, and the time was right to bring my feelings
about the poem into the visual.
As maps were our unifying background and media, I chose one of 1952 South America to pay homage to the Chilean Noble Prize winner for Literature, Pablo Neruda. His poem and the map drove this work to completion.
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